Two Faces of Carolina Telephone: Steps in Kenly and Clayton NC
March 1977 PhoneTrip by Evan Doorbell.
Though both Kenly and Clayton were similar, North Carolina communities served by the independent, Carolina Telephone Company; both with Step-by-Step equipment; their phone service was very different. The main reason for this is that Kenly was served by the Carolina Telephone operators located in Wilson, while Clayton was served by the Southern Bell operators in Raleigh. In his two-part presentation, Evan demonstrates the stark and subtle differences this configuration created.
A – Kenly (919) 284
CLLI Code: KNLYNCXA28F – Northern Telecom DMS100 (Digital) Host

B – Clayton (919) 359, 550, 553, 585
CLLI Code: CYTNNCXA55F – Northern Telecom DMS100 (Digital) Host