Elmer Cat
Benjamin Balas
Kimo Johnson
Aude Oliva
Shayian Keshvari
Jianhua Li
Benjamin Wolfe
Siyuan Dong
Shaoxiong Wang
Dian Yu
Wenzhen Yuan
Zhendong Zhang
Bei Xiao
Krista Ehinger
Xuetao Zhang
Derya Akkayanak
Phillip Isola
Rui Li
All Alumni
The Perceptual Science Group of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT does research in human vision, machine vision, human-computer interaction, and touch sensing for robotics. Both the Adelson Lab and the Rosenholtz Lab are part of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), located in the Stata Center.
I love this video…
It’s a fabulous production, the music and singing is beautiful, and it’s completely danceable. I’m guessing they changed some of the lyrics though, so I just wish I understood everything that’s going on!
Here’s a different version of the same song. (I wonder if it’s the same people, maybe 40 years ago?)
For context, here’s the “official” version by Stefani Germanotta:
Katie Keypunch – International model 032 (c.1941)
Here’s Elmer’s mom, Katie, around 1941. She’s running an International model 032 keypunch machine. (The International Business Machines company later became known simply as IBM).
via Katie Keypunch – International model 032 (c.1941) | Flickr – Photo Sharing!.
Clips of operators working manual switchboards and a real panel central office in operation and are featured in this version of “Busy Line”, with vocals sung by Rose Murphy.
GEdney-9 Busy Line featuring Rose Murphy
( The accompanying vintage telephone sounds were sampled from Evan Doorbell’s phabulous library of phone recordings at phonetrips.com )
Two Faces of Carolina Telephone: Steps in Kenly and Clayton NC
March 1977 PhoneTrip by Evan Doorbell.
Though both Kenly and Clayton were similar, North Carolina communities served by the independent, Carolina Telephone Company; both with Step-by-Step equipment; their phone service was very different. The main reason for this is that Kenly was served by the Carolina Telephone operators located in Wilson, while Clayton was served by the Southern Bell operators in Raleigh. In his two-part presentation, Evan demonstrates the stark and subtle differences this configuration created.
CLLI Code: KNLYNCXA28F – Northern Telecom DMS100 (Digital) Host
CLLI Code: CYTNNCXA55F – Northern Telecom DMS100 (Digital) Host