Category: PhoneTrips
Owen Murphy Lady
New York Telephone Standard Voice In the 1960’s, New York Telephone had an excellent “standard voice” for all of their recorded announcements. Unfortunately, I don’t know what her real name was, but it is known that she worked for the Owen Murphy production company. Evan Doorbell’s “Sounds of Long Distance – Part 6” includes a master…
GEdney-9 Didja Dial Ring
A medley of quaint Intercept Operator sayings. ➤ Download for iPhone in “m4r” format ⬅ Back to Ringtone archive
GEdney-9 Panel Exchange
Recorded in 1977 by Ben Decibell – From Evan Doorbell’s historic PhoneTrips library.
Two Faces of Carolina Telephone: Steps in Kenly and Clayton NC
Two Faces of Carolina Telephone: Steps in Kenly and Clayton NC March 1977 PhoneTrip by Evan Doorbell. Though both Kenly and Clayton were similar, North Carolina communities served by the independent, Carolina Telephone Company; both with Step-by-Step equipment; their phone service was very different. The main reason for this is that Kenly was served by the Carolina Telephone…